About Tarboul City
Tarboul occupies a space of 109 million m2 (26000 acre) It is aimed at serving the purpose of sustainable production,
ensuring accommodation for Labor workforces and providing space for administrative affairs. It is a multi-core industrial
city that combines an unprecedented mix of industrial activities, Business services logistic Centers and Modern facilities,
administrative, buildings, commercial outlets, labor housing, and social services matching the global standards.

Being the attractive destination for global investment and world-wide industry. Tarboul as a “green city” has evolved as the brainchild of professional innovators and enthusiastic green appreciators; individuals who value the preservation of “nature”, and acknowledge the grandeur of “industrialism”

To develop a green, smart, and livable industrial city in the heart of Egypt’s trade network; equipped with smart infrastructure, in-line with the requirements for the 4rth industrial revolution, sustainability, inclusive development, and human welfare.
Smart City
- Smart manufacturing.
- Smart logistics.
- Smart utilities.
- Smart training.
Green City
- Resources efficiency.
- Renewable energy components.
- Recycled waste.
- Air & water quality.
Livable City
- Business parks.
- Commercial centers.
- Residential compounds.
- Social & Recreational Services.